【申し込み締め切り 3月25日(火)】
ピクニック2025 わいわいサックレース 会社・グループ代表戦 事前エントリーフォーム

Picnic 2025 Wai-wai Sack Race Entry Form for Company/Group Race (Deadline: 3/25/25)
・If you are participating as a company, please provide your company name; if you are participating as a group of individuals, please provide your group name.
・Only one team from each company may participate.
会社名・グループ名(Company Name or Group Name)
・Please fill in the participant’s name.
参加者氏名(Participant's name)
Last name, First name
参加者氏名(Participant's name)
Last name, First name
参加者氏名(Participant's name)
Last name, First name
Please fill in the representative's name, company name, email address and cell phone number.
代表者氏名(Representative's name)
Last name, First name
代表者の所属団体名(Representative's company name)
代表者メールアドレス(Representative's e-mail Address)
代表者携帯番号(Representative's Cell)
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・We may notify you in the future that your company/group has entered the competition through publicity and sack race participation recruitment reminder e-mails.
お知らせの同意/Agreement for notification
広報や案内メールでの貴社名/貴グループ名の利用に同意します/ I agree to the use of your company/group's name in publicity and information mailings
ご質問/ Inquiry